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a new year, a new season

Here’s what’s coming up for the bbe in 2025!

in april and may:

the bbe will work with the peoples music school’s advanced slam orchestra to prepare them for a rehearsal/workshop session with world renown conductor, nicolas kraemer, and their performaloozathon!

next up…

the story of pa i sha comes to northwestern on may 15

in partnership with northwestern university’s center for native American and indigenous research (CNAIR), the bbe has the honor and privilege to perform this work about artistic director Brandi’s chickasaw ancestors at the Bienen school of music. more details to come!

BBE Directors brandi berry benson and leighann daihl ragusa team up with ensamble ad-hoc directors francy acosta and José luis posada to celebrate the music of colombia and venezuela. it is a program of bright and beautiful songs, dances, ballads, romances, and instrumentals all about the day in the life of a summer day in colombia.

get our newly released carols album!!


support the bbe!


We had a great time playing one of BBE’s fan favorite programs A Gaelic Summer at the Rose Bowl Tavern! Until next time! :)

Brian Kay (lute, guitar), Leighann Daihl Ragusa (traverso), Brandi Berry Benson (fiddle), Stephanie Hunt (cello), and Thomas Aláan (singer)

Get the album!

If you loved the show, grab the album and enjoy when summer actually arrives!

Stream online

Can’t be there in person? Catch us online!


Released on International Women’s Day, Pandemic Woman celebrates the contributions and sacrifices of women during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Join The BBE and Artemisia as they premiere Pandemic Woman, a new poem by Leslé Honoré set to music by Heidi Joosten.

Support the BBE


BBE Recordings

BBE Recordings

BBE on (Digital) Vinyl

New Release! Carols Album

This 31-track “Advent-style” holiday album features a carol for each day of December. Celebrate Hanukkah, Krampusnacht, Festivus, National Violin Day, and others, in addition to the Advent season. Enjoy this eclectic mix of villancicos, holiday fiddle tunes, spirituals, and traditional European carols with a twist.

Chicago Stories

Chicago Stories is the BBE’s “new music for old instruments” album featuring Chicago composers setting the stories of Chicagoans to music — and featuring Chicago performers. Pick up a copy today and enjoy the music of Ronnie Kuller, Amos Gillespie, Kurt Westerberg, Eric Malmquist, and Heidi Joosten.


Folk but Baroque

The BBE’s premiere recordings are now available for you through our online store! Click the link below to get A Gaelic Summer, an album of dance tunes and drinking songs from the 18th and 19th centuries, and An Appalachian Summer, our favorite songs and tunes from the Appalachian Mountains. Available as digital downloads or you can order a physical CD.


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